
Cheap vs. High-Quality Exterior Doors

Cheap vs. High-Quality Exterior Doors

Exterior doors play a significant role in your home, providing both security features and aesthetic value. The choice of materials used in your door’s construction can affect both its performance and appearance. Low-cost doors are typically made from lightweight composite materials or steel with polyurethane insulation - however, these do not offer as much protection from the elements as more expensive alternatives, such as wood or fiberglass.

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Repair or Replace Your Broken Window in Edmonton?

Repair or Replace Your Broken Window in Edmonton?

It is a cold winter night in Edmonton and the wind blows fiercely, rattling against a broken window. Much like an unwelcome guest, the chill of the weather creeps into your warm home and lingers long after it has gone. The question on your mind becomes: repair or replace? The harsh winters in Edmonton can be unforgiving to windows that are not properly maintained.

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7 Reasons to Hire Professional Window Installer

7 Reasons to Hire Professional Window Installer

Replacing the windows in your home can be a costly investment, with a variety of factors that must be taken into account - ranging from the size of your window openings to your design preferences. Professional window installers are knowledgeable about the many different options available for window installation projects, and have experience installing them correctly so that they can last for years to come.

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How Glass Windows are Made. 101 Guide

How Glass Windows are Made. 101 Guide

The production of glass windows is a process that has evolved over hundreds of years. As technology has advanced, the methods used to make glass have become increasingly sophisticated. Glass windows are produced from both natural raw materials and manufactured components. Some of these natural sources include silica sand and limestone, while manufactured ingredients may encompass soda ash, alkali metal oxides, borates, dolomite, and other minerals or chemicals.

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Steel vs. Wood Exterior Doors: Major Things to Consider

Steel vs. Wood Exterior Doors: Major Things to Consider

When it comes to exterior doors, the debate between choosing steel or wood among homeowners has been ongoing for many years. However, before making any decisions, there are many major considerations to bear in mind. Which is better for exterior doors: wood, or steel? This question can be difficult to answer, as both have advantages and disadvantages. In order to decide, it’s important to examine a number of factors, starting with the installation requirements of each material.

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Your Options for Fixing a Broken Window in Ottawa

Your Options for Fixing a Broken Window in Ottawa

Are your windows broken, constantly foggy, or experiencing other immediate problems? Residents of Ottawa are no strangers to harsh winter conditions. Extreme temperatures can cause structural materials to wear out faster, making it essential for your home’s windows and doors to be designed specifically to withstand the cold Canadian climate. Your windows are critical components of controlling your home’s temperature.

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What Is a Window Wall?

What Is a Window Wall?

Few things can make as strong of an impact on the comfort of your home as natural daylight. From enhancing aesthetic appeal to minimizing your electricity costs, daylight is one of the most important elements to consider when designing your home. One of the most breathtaking choices for your home is the impact window walls can make on your living space. A fashionable and modern choice for any contemporary homeowner, window walls are a strong design choice originating in Europe that can increase your home’s market value and enhance your interior atmosphere.

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Rona, Home Depot, or a Company Specializing in Doors: Who Should You Choose?

When it comes to door replacement, all homeowners want the best for their homes. From improved security, aesthetic appeal, and that perfect level of privacy, doors are a vital part of your home, and they are often your chance for a first impression for guests. Over time, wear and tear can start taking its toll on these fixtures. So, how do you know if it’s time for an upgrade?


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How Much Will You Pay for Replacement Windows in Winnipeg?

How Much Will You Pay for Replacement Windows in Winnipeg?

Everybody wants to improve the value of their homes, and most people know that replacement windows are a good way to do that. However, the price is intimidating to many people, especially those on a budget who might have to choose between new replacement windows and a family vacation or important household purchase. By looking carefully and seeking out the best Winnipeg windows manufacturer, you can find plenty of ways to save on the overall cost of your window project.

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Open Concept Windows Vs. Privacy

Open concept windows give your home an open, spacious, and well-lit ambience. These interior windows can be included in open plan homes to create space without completely knocking down walls. Open concept windows are also used to create a seamless flow from the indoors to the outdoors in areas such as living rooms leading to patios or balconies.

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Take advantage of Canada’s Greener Homes Grant today!

Save thousands off your new window and door installation. Find out if you qualify!

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